Phoebe's new exploration tech | Wuthering Waves


Phoebe's new exploration tech | Wuthering Waves



: もしもしまとめ

You could also just teleport in with her

: もしもしまとめ

guys use this little flying robot that's in utilities more often, like I was so confused about that place until I remembered you can just use it, it's actually useful sometimes.

: もしもしまとめ

Even a gunner can do that. Also now we have a new Utility flying robot for shooting.
Can a long sword or sword user can do that?

: もしもしまとめ

i recognise that music 🥹

: もしもしまとめ

I was stuck there thx lmao

: もしもしまとめ

I do that with Dreamless…

: もしもしまとめ

You forgot the chest

: もしもしまとめ

Ohh first 👅🤙

: もしもしまとめ

Just use the gadget 😂

: もしもしまとめ

Euuuh, you can just use the droid shooter item …

: もしもしまとめ

Gun and blast

: もしもしまとめ

I used carlotta for this

: もしもしまとめ

Con pistoleros es más rápido

: もしもしまとめ

She's so bad😭😭😭

: もしもしまとめ

Easy method is to release the dragon at that place it will be cleared easily

: もしもしまとめ

Usando el eco de Jue es aun mas facil no tienes ni que apuntar 😂

: もしもしまとめ

Ive done that with chixia

: もしもしまとめ


: もしもしまとめ


: もしもしまとめ

Location?! , please 🥹

: もしもしまとめ

Or just use hoverdroid

: もしもしまとめ

Use resonance skill

: もしもしまとめ

I wish I could've pulled for her but I saved for Brant. I used her on the trials and she's a beast

: もしもしまとめ

hh yesterday I also tried it there🤣
